A pawn loan is a great way to get quick cash when you need it. Have you been considering payday loans? Have you been turned down for bank loans or loans from credit unions? You don't have to wonder any longer about how to get a cash loan, even if you have poor credit. As your local pawn broker, Hilltop Pawn Shop & Jewelry is here to help you with the pawn loan that you need and deserve! Come see us for a pawnshop loan, and you'll likely never want to bother with a traditional financial institution when borrowing money again! After all, as your local pawn store, we make it easier than ever to take out a short-term loan that suits your financial needs!

What is a Pawn Loan?
Pawn shops like Hilltop Pawn Shop & Jewelry offer pawn loans, which are a bit different than your average credit card or bank loan. Basically, a pawn loan is a collateral-based loan. You bring an item of value to a pawn shop, and your local pawnbroker gives you a loan based on the value of the item. It's a lot less complicated than your average loan contract, and interest charges are typically lower than the annual percentage rate offered by your average payday lender. Plus, even those who have bad credit, don't have a long employment history, or who don't have a bank account can take out a pawn loan when they need extra cash.
How Does a Pawn Loan Work at Hilltop Pawn Shop & Jewelry?
The way that a pawn loan works is even more simple than you might think. With the average pawn transaction, you bring your ID and high-value items to us, and we'll assess the value of those valuable items. Then, if you accept our loan offer, we'll hold those items as collateral, and you can leave with cash and a pawn ticket in hand! Repay the loan and interest, and you'll get your items back! Need a longer amount of time to repay? No problem! We'll give you an extension...you just need to stop by before your final due date and pay the interest and fees. Then, we'll give you a 30 day extension!
If you still have questions about things work, we are happy to help! Bring your video games, musical instruments, gold jewelry, power tools, sporting goods, and other items of value in to us. We'll let you know about the amount of money you can borrow with your items, depending on the specific condition, quality, and type of item that you bring in. We're always happy to answer questions about how our pawn loans work, so visit or call us today! From small loan amounts to much bigger loans, we are happy to help!
Pawn loans are helpful financial products for many of our customers. If you're looking for a fast, easy, no credit check loan from a local store that you can trust, come see us. At Hilltop Pawn Shop & Jewelry, we'll give you the personal loan that you need without the hassle...and we don't care about your credit score at all! Visit our convenient Virginia Beach location, or give us a call at 757-769-7254. We can't wait to work with you!
