Easy cash loans can be a great alternative to credit cards for bad credit. Yes, it's true that there are benefits to taking out a credit card for bad credit...it's a way that you can improve your credit score, and you may find that having a credit card is handy for things like placing online orders or traveling. However, there are some downsides to bad credit credit cards, so you'll likely want to have a few other resources in your pocket, too. If you're looking for easy cash loans for people who have bad credit, you have come to the right place. At Hilltop Pawn & Jewelry, we'd love to help you with a no credit check loan when you need it the most.
Downsides of Credit Cards for Bad Credit
As mentioned above, there are some advantages of bad credit credit cards. However, there are some downsides you should be aware of. Many of these credit cards do still have minimum credit score requirements, so just because it's advertised as being for people with bad credit, you still might not qualify. Additionally, there are often annual fees, and some even require you to put down a cash deposit before you can open the credit card account (these are known as secured credit cards). Interest rates are often very high, too.
You can avoid many of these downsides by taking out an easy cash loan from Hilltop Pawn Shop, where we don't check your credit score at all. This means you don't have to worry about us turning you down for a loan because of your credit score. We don't base how much you can borrow on your credit score, and everyone pays the same interest rates, whether you're talking about someone with a great credit score, someone who doesn't have a credit score, or even those who have bad credit. In fact, since we don't check your credit score, we don't have a way of knowing or treating you any differently. When we say we don't care about credit score, we mean it. After all, our loans are secured by your collateral, so we're able to loan to people without checking into this type of thing.
Easy Cash Loans: A Great Alternative to Bad Credit Credit Cards
If you're looking for a great alternative to bad credit credit cards, simply visit us at Hilltop Pawn, and inquire about one of our easy cash loans. You may find you're no longer interested in a credit card when you see how easy it is to borrow cash when you need it, without all of the hassles of a credit card!
Ready to take out an easy cash loan in Virginia Beach? We make it easy here at Hilltop Pawn. Interested in a loan in Chesapeake? Visit our sister store, Greenbrier Pawn. We are more than happy to assist you at either store! Either way, you can get the fast and easy cash loan that you need, all without having to mess around with credit card applications or lenders that are difficult to work with and who aren't willing to work with your situation.